Sustainability Secret

The Sustainability Secret says that animal-agriculture causes 51% of climate-change pollution, 55% USA water use, 91% Amazon rain-forest destruction, and is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction; but the good news is a plant-based (vegan) diet including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes is sustainable and humane solutions. Fruit trees sequester carbon into the soil. A plant-based (vegan) diet includes fruits, greens, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes. “On the one acre of land needed to produce 250 pounds of beef, we could grow 50,000 pounds of tomatoes, 53,000 pounds of potatoes or 30,000 pounds of carrots. Producing protein from chickens requires 3 times as much land as protein from soybeans, pork needs 9 times, beef 32 times. The average person who eats plant-based can save 162,486 gallons of water a year, and cut their carbon footprint in half. But the icing on the plant-based cake is the fact we could redirect enough grain from the livestock system to feed 1.4 billion people if every American stopped eating meat. The average diet containing animal products requires around 4,000 gallons of water a day, whereas a vegan diet uses approximately 300 gallons of water a day. To produce 1 kilogram of rice requires about 3,500 liters of water, whereas 1 kilogram of beef requires a staggering 15,000 liters. Highly affordable and nutritious plant-based (vegan) diets are already enjoyed by many healthy happy people. Ad: –Sustainability Secret

Fruity Vegan Potluck

Our July Fruity Vegan Potluck included Merrimack Valley Vegetarian and Vegan Meetup group and surprise birthday party for Rev. M and was a very fun and memorable day, with about fifteen awesome people, lake, sun, flowers, birthday card, yummy food, fruit smoothies, and a cake made out of watermelon and fruit. Here are a few photos.







